Monday, 31 January 2011

A very brief history of American health care

As I don't have a lot of time in the moment, my post on the history of American health care will be a very brief one. And anyway, all I could have done would be repeating what others said somewhere else. So I wanted to share those pages I like most, each of them with a unique way of presenting the facts. They all address the issue of the historical context of the current debate which I think to be a helpful hint for a generally better understanding.

The Public Broadcast Service (short: PBC) offers an interactive timeline including exactly as much information as I think to be good as an introduction to the topic: not too much, but fairly enough. It starts in the 1900s.

This video concentrates on the developments since the 1940s in a very simple and entertaining manner and is able to illustrate even rather abstract aspects quite well:

Finally, I warmly recommend the history of U.S health care in images published by the Free Speech Radio News. I found the picture above there and maybe it caught your attention. There are several more to be discovered, just take a look and see how people got more or less convinced through leaflets etc.

Up to now, I did not find sufficient information on the time before 1900, but I will add it as soon as I discover things worth sharing.