I grew up with the German health care system and I took it for granted for quite a long time. To me, it was crystal clear that everyone who falls ill or is injured will be treated by a physician if necessary. I thought that health care was some kind of natural right and not depending on one’s financial solvency.
This experience might be the reason for me (and I’m sure many other people as well) to wonder how there can be Americans refusing to accept the Health Care reform in the United States. I always thought health insurance is a generally good thing everyone should benefit from? Now it would be easy to foredoom those people as ignorant and close-minded.
This is to some extend what I did throughout the last year. Of course, I know that money plays one of the major roles in the debate. However, this can’t be all of it. The really more than lively discussion still going on everywhere, among officials and citizens, in every form of media, even though the reform is already implemented (at least a major part to my knowledge) shows that the topic continues being up to date.
As I think one should only judge things one understands, my aim is to gain insight into the different perspectives on and the general discussion about the Health Care reform. Although I might and cannot share all convictions, I want to try at least to grasp them. In the upcoming weeks I’ll try to collect as much and diverse information as possible about the “problem”, related things that happen and change as well as different arguments and perspectives, not only for myself, but for those people with a similar mindset, for all wondering:
Why they do make such a hullabaloo about the Health Care reform?
See Rasmussen Reports’ recent survey: about 40% strongly favour the repeal of Obama’s reform (although I think 1000 people might not be that representative for the whole population…)
And although it’s a very sick joke, you should take a look at this cartoon. This is more or less what I thought to be wrong with the former system…
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